We’ve added a new page on the website! The Storm Damage Form is only to be used to report non-emergency storm damage. This will help our situational awareness better inRead More…

Just like tornados, extremely cold temperatures can cause damage to the local infrastructure and special considerations should be made. Although rare in our area, should wintery precipitation occur, you shouldRead More…

Emergency preparedness is not just for professionals. In fact, we encourage everyone to take part in planning for emergencies. If you have children or you are a child care provider,Read More…

The Russell County EMA is hosting a new Community Emergency Response Team training class soon! The class is free and seating is limited. Help your community today by volunteering inRead More…

Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year. Everyone can be vulnerable to heat, but some more so thanRead More…

Russell County EMA assisted with HazMat training at Ladonia Fire to help students prepare for their final testing in Fire Fighter 1. Students were required to demonstrate the ability toRead More…

In Russell County we test the sirens weekly on Saturdays at 12:00 EST The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the NWS,Read More…

SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2022 AT 10:30 AM – 3:00 PM EST View this event on Facebook SMITHS STATION GOVERNMENT CAMPUS – Helicopters– Utility Safety– Vehicle Extrication– Giveaways– Drone Flights– Food TrucksRead More…

Sign up here for alerts from the National Hurricane Center While Russell County is well inland from the coast, hurricanes can and have affected our area in past. Many residentsRead More…